Ingrdients & Sources


Ingredients and Sources

Latest Recipes



Stromboli stars the flavors of a classic Venetian pizza: mozzarella and prosciutto. It slices up into beautiful spirals, making it a great snack for company

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Chicory Timbale

Chicory Timbale

A delicious multi-layered Chicory Timbale, which is a pie filled with fresh chicory, ripe Roma tomatoes, and sliced prosciutto.

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Pappardelle with White Bolognese

Pappardelle with White Bolognese

The Yolan restaurant is geared towards celebrating refined versions of classic Italian dishes, and among the menu highlights is this Pappardelle with White Bolognese.

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Pizza Rustica

Pizza Rustica

With its rich, savory filling and sweet pastry, this pizza rustica uses the best of local ingredients: ricotta, made from rich cow’s milk; spicy salami, which every farmer prepares himself; and basil, a staple of the family garden.

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A number of Calzone recipes – choose whatever you have on hand.

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